Intellectually Curious
We seek to learn about and contribute to not just our domains but outside of them as well, so that we always keep the big picture in mind.

We do what it takes to achieve success, rather than treating our work as a 9-6 job.

Hi- Impact
We work efficiently and effectively to get things moving without over-analysis.

Team Player
We support each other, sharing information openly and freely, celebrating successes, and analyzing failures together. We also ask for help when we need it.

Strong Communicator
We respect each other and are proactive in both listening and responding, with clear verbal and written explanations.

Biased for Innovation
We are always coming up with new ideas, better approaches and practical solutions.
The way we roll
We are a young, growing, hungry community that takes pride in what we produce and how we impact the people around us, whether customers or colleagues. Our vision is to be a workplace where people thrive, and ultimately find the most rewarding of their careers.